Bloopers & Outtakes - Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker Movie Review

The Return of the Joker review was a fun one, being kind of outside my usual wheelhouse. (blog) However, that does (blog) mean that I tripped ...Source: Bloopers & Outtakes - Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker Movie Review - Decker Shado More Videos

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Split Movie Review

Building on the M. Night Shyamalan cinematic universe, Split introduces us to Kevin Wendell Crumb. He suffers from DID, but not just the movie style multiple personality silliness. This is going into the realm of superhumans, so when James McAvoy jumps from personality to personality and goes on and on about "the beast" and how it will do oh so m

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Bullet to the Head Movie Review

A much more recent example of Stallone's work from 2012, Bullet to the Head has him star as Jumpin' Jimmy Bobo. Or.. just Jimmy Bobo? (blog) Jimm... bobonobona... aaah! He's a criminal who must horror movie team up with a cop to take out criminals who are conspiring to help people. Which is bad. Because conspiracy.Source: Bullet to the Head Movie

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